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Transformational Therapies: Welcome


Wholistic Energetic Healing

Often when people go to receive healing work the expectation is they go in, the healer does their work, then the person is somehow “all better” free of their pain and struggles without having to do anything else. That simply is not what healing is. This may give some relief, but no real long-term transformation has taken place. True healing begins and ends within each individual by taking a long hard look at what they are carrying within, how it is affecting their lives, and learning to make decisions and actions that truly honor themselves and serve the life they want to create. By using the steps described below, practitioners trained in this protocol give you the best possible chance to do this work. The stage is set, both internally and externally to radically change your life.  


Emotional Story Telling- Every life is a journey of joy and pain. When facing the painful aspects of life, it is often the tendency to turn away, numb, and medicate so we don’t feel the hurt. But ultimately, that is where people get stuck and a single painful moment spirals into deep depression, anxiety, and hopelessness. Our well-meaning family and friends will try to cheer us up, but that in itself can be a denial of the pain that is there. In truth, the only way to release pain is to fully feel it. To allow every aspect of it to be seen and processed. In the first step of this work, the practitioner allows you to do just that. With carefully crafted questions and guidance, you are helped to open the door to any heaviness you have been carrying. Then the practitioner holds space, is present, and observes as you tell the story of your emotional journey in whatever way is right for you. Short of violence or destruction, no method of expression is off-limits here. You will be allowed to cry, scream, cuss, or anything else as the waves of deeply held emotions rise to the surface, and you truly get to experience the space of it’s ok to not be ok. Anything and everything you feel is completely valid. When this process has run its course, you are then led through the work of owning this pain, claiming it as yours and a part of your story, for once you do that you are empowered to define what it means to you, how it affects you, instead of it defining you, and can move forward in life.  


Energetic Restructuring- There is an ever-increasing amount of science being discovered showing us that all things are made of energy. Even that which we perceive as physical matter is actually energy vibrating at such a slow rate it appears solid. This includes you and me. At our deepest core selves, the very seat of our soul, the essence of who we truly are vibrates at its own unique rate, our “core tone” if you will, and we long to have that expressed in our lives through the way we live. The problem is over the course of our lives we experience traumas and difficulties which cause distorted views and beliefs about who we are to form. These belief patterns are often not truly our own, but rather taken on from others around us. This shows up not only in our thought processes and behaviors, but in our energetic vibration as well. This causes not only dis-ease in our mind, body, and spirit, but echoes out into the world around us drawing people and situations into our lives that reinforce these beliefs, often over and over again. At this phase of the program, the practitioner uses a unique blend of several energy healing techniques to clear these false belief patterns from your energy field, restructuring it in alignment with your core vibration, bringing balance to all aspects of your being.  


Empowerment integration- Even after work as powerful as the first two steps, it is easy to fall back into old patterns because that is what is familiar and know. In this final step of the process, you are worked with to form new ways of being in the world so you may consciously create your life based on your deepest aspirations and dreams, facing any challenges that arise from a place of grace and empowerment. The practitioner will discuss what was found during the energetic restructuring work, and help you develop a self-care program with practices specific to your individual pattern.    


 Every living being has gone through trauma, you are not alone.  

Holistic healthcare

What is Holistic healthcare?


It is the art and science of healing that addresses care of the whole person - body, mind, and spirit. The practice of holistic healthcare integrates conventional and complementary therapies to promote optimal health and prevent and treat disease by addressing contributing factors. Holistic healthcare practitioners strive to meet the patient with grace, kindness, acceptance, and spirit without condition, as love is life’s most powerful healer.

In practice, this means that each person is seen as a unique individual, rather than an example of a particular disease. Disease is understood to be the result of physical, emotional, spiritual, social, and environmental imbalance. Healing, therefore, takes place naturally when these aspects of life are brought into proper balance. The role of the practitioner is as a guide, mentor, and role model; the patient must do the work - changing lifestyle, beliefs, and old habits in order to facilitate healing. All appropriate methods may be used, from medication to meditation.


      The principles of holistic medicine:

  • A partnership between patient and practitioner in the healing process.

  • Appropriate use of conventional and alternative methods to facilitate the body's innate healing response.

  • Consideration of all factors that influence health, wellness, and disease, including mind, spirit, and community as well as body.

  • A philosophy that neither rejects conventional medicine nor accepts alternative therapies uncritically.

  • Recognition that good medicine should be based on good science, be inquiry-driven, and be open to new paradigms.

  • Use of natural, effective, less-invasive interventions whenever possible.

  • Use of the broader concepts of promotion of health and the prevention of illness as well as the treatment of disease.


Psychic Medium

We have been providing Intuitive readings for over 45 years.  As a natural-born psychic medium, empath, shaman, earth-worker, and master healer. we believe that it is important to be able to discern the difference between what is known through sensory empiricism or science, and intuition, spiritual insight, nature, and body-based wisdom. We employ the principles of Core Spiritual wisdom, metaphysical laws, and spiritual therapy to empower the individual in their life’s journeys.​


We always provide straightforward, candid information on your specific issues and concerns. We will validate what paths are working for you and identify what's not working in harmony with your highest good. You will be given tools and suggestions for moving forward with your issues and help you see your strengths in a new light. Each Reading begins with a brief general reading. During the remainder of the session, we will delve into your specific concerns and issues. Being very flexible in my approach, we create a space in which you can easily direct the session along a path that feels right to you. This ensures that all of your questions, concerns  and issues are addressed - so please do bring your questions!


Please check out our book online page for more information

on the type of different readings available.

Holistic Life Coaching

Creating a beautiful life experience is at the root of our innermost desires.  We literally ache to satisfy this longing…a longing for what we desire.


A peaceful mind….a healthy body….an aligned spirit equals a balanced life.


You are not alone in wanting these things for yourself.


I’ve got good news for you…

YOU can CREATE more of whatever you truly DESIRE in your life, and YOU are WORTHY of it all.

Don’t wait another day start creating a YOU, and a LIFE you love….


If you are ready, I invite you to mentor with me, and together we’ll create a custom plan for a journey that will both nourish your soul and help you create the momentum to make your dreams a reality.

What you can expect

  • You can expect life changing conversations leading to some serious soul shifting and illuminating "light bulb" moments.

  • You can expect to step into your most powerful shoes as the creator of your life.

  • You can expect spirit inspired homework that will dramatically pave the path to where you are going.

  • You can expect to walk into a space that is all yours, purposefully created as an intentional tuning fork for your life.

  • You can expect to transform yourself and your life, while joyfully saying, “Yes, I want to do this again!”

In every heart, there lie songs that are hidden. Allow me to illuminate yours, so once

again they can become the dreams and wishes of today.   Sign up now for a free consultation.

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